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Salient Features :

1. Discipline : Students are taught to maintain self-discipline. No punishment is given in the name of negligence in discipline.

2. Dedication : Students are encouraged to complete their work faithfully and honestly with dedication.

3. Development : Focus is graded all round development of child through holistic approach.

4. Secular : The school respects all religions equally and fosters the same ideals in its pupils.

5. Culture : Students of Parasrampuriya Academy are taught Indian culture too along with English Education through various activities. They are convinced about the power of love and non- violence.

6. Remedial Class : If students have a difficulty in understanding any subject, the school offers remedial classes to them.

7. Educational tour : To educate the students about science and heritage of India, students are taken on educational tour frequently.

8. Field trip : To aquatint the students with practical working field trips to industrial units, govt. , semi-govt., private offices and places of interests are organized.

9. Assembly : Moral values like loving our country, duties towards parents and teachers etc. are enforced through skits in morning assembly.

10. Self Discovery : The students of Parasrampuriya Academy receives an atmosphere of learning by doing. They get practical knowledge with theory and discovers new concepts through the guidance of teachers.

11. Citizenship Programme : We conduct mock parliamentary session highlighting the proceedings of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha and inform them about fundamental rights and duties of citizens.

12. Leadership training : We hone different skills, talents and capabilities of students to bring out their leadership qualities.