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Dear Parents,

Parasrampuriya Academy is a humble initiative by Shyamdas Parasrampuriya Trust towards Contributing a little bit in shaping a better world for ourselves and future citizens.

The Trust has entrusted us their children with great faith and now its our turn to fulfill their expectations. The ultimate aim of education according to Gandhiji is to attain self-realization and affinity with God.

Like leading Schools our aim is not just educating children but making them a complete human being.

A nation is known by the character of its people. Children are the raw materials that have to be molded very carefully into responsible, energetic, dedicated, powerful and brilliant youth who would serve as real pillars of nation. Today’s inquirers and thinkers with strong principles, broad minded approach world strive for the welfare of mankind and reshape the world with humility and Self Conquest.

Our Distinguished staff at Parasrampuriya Academy believes that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Emphasis is given on maintaining the neutrality, keeping in mind that the activities are enjoyed by the students leaving a lasting impression on their minds, teachers by to motivate the children by conducting interactive workshops on career counseling, stress management, memory retention and confidence building. One of our objectives is to promote among the students the desire to protect & improve the natural environment, to preserve our rich cultural heritage.

Ours is an integrated & comprehensive education system trying to empower the physical, intellectual and moral personality of students. We embrace challenges not as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones and Endeavour to create “the artists of being alive”.

Mrs. Ranjana Kotia
