
The students of Parasrampuriya Academy receives training on classical, semi-classical, folk as well as Western Dance & represent their talent in different cultural programmers.

The students of Parasrampuriya Academy receives knowledge of both ie. Indian and western music. The school organizes regular competition for both Indian and western music.
Art & Craft

With the guidance of their teachers regarding Art & Craft, Drawing, Painting the students demonstrate their skill to their parents on the occasion of Parents Day. The art of students also get place in school magazine.
Educational Tour

Parasrampuriya Academy arranges different educational tour from time to time to bring betterment in the learning of its students. These excursions bring more awareness and knowledge regarding their education.
Celebrations :

Parasrampuriya Academy celebrates different festivals like Diwali, Dusshera, Janmastami, Holi, Ied, X-mas etc along with National festivals with great zeal and enthusiasm. It celebrates different festivals through organizing various activities like Matki Phod , Garba Competition, Rangoli Competiton etc.
Cultural Activities :

Students of Parasrampuriya Academy get training for music & dance from Teachers and participate in different cultural activities.
Literary Society :

Literary Society :
Parasrampuriya Academy regularly organizes Group Discussions, Debate, Essay & Story writing competitions & Poem recitation. The students also edit school magazines and newsletter also.
Quiz :
With the aim of being knowledgeable quiz competition are organized on each Saturday in classes so that all students can participate in it.
Field Trip :

Along with the educational tours Parasrampuriya Academy facilitates different field trips.
Field Activity :

Field Activity :
It has been the YugDharma motive to impart maximum practical education to students. Students with the help of their teachers build various projects of science and social science. Besides this they also become aware of various principles of different streams like civil engineering, mathematics etc.
Art projects :
Students make lots of items like lampshade, toys, decorative items, wall hanging etc in which waste materials are also utilized.

Parasrampuriya Academy’s environmental club takes initiative about global concerns like pollution control, planting saplings, encouraging to use clay idols for Durga Pooja creating awareness to use less wooden furniture, to save water, plea to use cloth bags instead of polythene etc.
Parasrampuriya Academy’s social club organizes rallies on different issues, skit son illiteracy, girl child education, dowry, discrimination against oppressed, women empowerment etc.
Family club :
Parasrampuriya Academy plays a bridging role between parents and their wards by forming Family club. Through this family club they share their experiences with students.
Senior Citizen's Club
Parasrampuriya Academy enriches the relations between the grandparents and their wards. By celebrating Grandparents day the senior citizen can entertain themselves and share their experiences with the students and benefit them.