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No child will normally be considered for admission unless he/she has registered in advance for the entrance test and interviews.

Registrations will normally close one month before the start of the selection process. Registration is not a guarantee of admission and only includes the child in the process of selection. Admission will be made by the Principal and his decision will be final.

Selection Process as pre RTE rule:

In order to maintain the aims and objectives of those who founded the School and in order to maintain at a microscopic level, a reflection of Indian society as a whole, we need to see page-12 of the College Prospectus which clearly defines ‘Student Composition, Registrations and Admissions.

Page-12 specifies: “As the first Chiefs’ College in 1870 and subsequently as a founding member of the Indian Public Schools Conference in 1935, we today have a commitment to uphold the aims & objectives of our founding fathers. We would make admissions from amongst those registered, ensuring representation of different categories in propositions determined by the Board of Governors from time to time. Categories would be based on overseas, regional and professional considerations and also ensure a balance of boys and girls, representative numbers from original patron families, siblings, off springs of Old YDPS students, children of Government officials, Defense Officers and school staff.”

On Page-13 it says “No student can be considered for admission unless he or she is registered in advance. Registration by itself does not guarantee admission.

The Board, though disappointed that merit based admissions are not currently permitted, approved on a trial basis for this year a transparent and non-screening system of admissions as outlined below. This system would be subject to laws as prevailing from time to time. The lucky draws, other than that for RTE seats, would be conducted by the Board in the presence of an observer to be appointed by the Board and at its discretion.

• Lucky draws for Nursery – RTE: 3 boys + 4 girls; ODA 4+3; B&S 3+3; Govt. employees 1; 2b(i) 1, 2b(ii) 1; General 3+2

• 8 lucky draws for LKG – ODA 4+3; B&S 4+3; Govt. 2; 2b1&2b2 1; General 4+3.

• Class I admissions 11 draws – ODA 4+3; B&S 4+3; 3rd attempt students 3+3; Govt. 1; 2b1& 2b2 1; General 4+3 plus staff children

• Class IV onwards students will not be admitted except in case of children of Govt. officers on transfer to Indore.

• 10 draws for Class IV – ODA 4+4; Outside MP & Govt. 5+5; Overseas 2; MP Scholars 4+2; Gen. 2+2 + staff children.

• Beyond Class 4 and till Class 8 vacancies will be filled as per demand in the following proportions approximately: ODA 4+4; B&S 3+3; Outside MP 3+3; Overseas 3; Gen. Category & Govt. 4+5.

• Admissions in Class IX will be based on written tests and in Class XI admissions will be against vacancies on the basis of Class X results and subject choices as specified more clearly in the Prospectus.”

Classes in which admissions are normally made are PKG, LKG, I, IV, VI & IX. In other classes admissions will be against vacancies.

No registrations are to be made for UKG, II, III, X & XII.


Acceptance of the offer of admission must be made within 15 days or the offer will stand cancelled. Acceptance of admission also implies acceptance of all school rules as amended without notice from time to time.


Fees are charged as per school term and not according to the academic year. Parents withdrawing their children during the course of a school term will forfeit their fees for that term. Parents withdrawing the children at the end of a term must inform the Principal in writing at least 30 days before the start of the next term or a penalty, as fixed from time to time, will be levied. DATE OF BIRTH: Registration will be made as per the age and class. The date of birth, once accepted by the school, will not be amended.

If a student is absent for 20 days without being sanctioned leave, his/her name will be deleted from the rolls of the School without further notice.


All disputes are to be settled in the legal jurisdiction of lndore.